MacBook – Will the new 13 inch Macbook Pro handle running macOS and Windows in a VM simultaneously

developmentmacbook proparallels-desktop

I'm planning on buying a new Macbook Pro (13 inch) as my primary work computer. I do a lot of .NET development, so I will have to have Windows running in a VM inside macOS (Parallels).

I'm currently considering the 2Ghz dual core i5 processor, 8gb RAM and 512gb SSD.
Will I be able to run Windows 10 within Parallels and still get a smooth experience? I will mostly be using Visual Studio (possibly two or more instances).

My biggest concern is regarding the 8 gigabytes of RAM – will that be insufficient?

Does anybody here use a similar setup and could provide some information on whether it would work just fine or if I should get 16gb of RAM? Because of tax laws in my country, there is a cap on how much the company is willing to let me spend on a computer. Basically I have to choose between

  1. 256GB SSD and 16GB of RAM
  2. 512 GB SSD and 8GB of RAM

256GB SSD will almost definitely not be enough, so I feel that I have no choice but to prioritise that. If I add both a 512gb ssd and 16gb of RAM, it will exceed the amount I'm allowed to spend.

Best Answer

Yes, you can run macOS as well as Windows in VM on that computer and get a reasonably smooth experience.

Remember that "smooth" is subjective. If you're compiling the odd C# desktop app, using the debugger, etc. - that's going to work fine.

If you want to run a heavy stack with all sorts of services (SQL Servers, logging platforms, indexing systems, etc.) and have a huge project with many subcomponents - the ride isn't going to be as smooth.

The worst case scenario with 8 GB of RAM is that you're going to be using a lot of swap space. It will slow things down - but not as bad as on an old computer, as the SSD on the new MacBook Pro is quite fast.

I would recommend booting up your current development environment and check the memory usage. That would give you a good indication of whether to prioritise disk or RAM.