macOS – Why is Finder Using More RAM Than Available on MacBook Pro?

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Activity monitor shows finder using ~24 gb of RAM (screenshot below), when my machine only has 16 gb installed. I figure this has to be a bug because "Memory Used" only shows 9.62 gb, and I'm not experiencing any slowdowns. However, it's a little alarming and if there's an easy fix I'd like to take care of it. I'm using the most up-to-date Apple OS software as of writing (3/22/16). Thanks for your help!


Best Answer

I would say that this is a bug in the display. If you were to use top -o mem in, you would likely see something like this:

top output

As you can see, in this view, no single app is using more than 720M (because we're sorting by RAM usage, we only see the top RAM-hogging processes).

It's also possible that your Activity Monitor display is removing a decimal point, because 2.4G would be slightly more reasonable for Finder to occupy.

Possibly relevant links: