MacBook – Why is DashboardClient taking so much memory on MBP

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In recent days, the DashboardClient process is taking more memory on my MBP. It's a real memory of 144 MB as seen in Activity Monitor.

I have never seen this process occupying memory like this before, as if like Safari. It's started few back before.

I haven't changed my Dashboard for a couple of months…

I am running OS X 10.6.5

Best Answer

Probably the widgets you are using are leaking memory. Try removing them and check which of the widget is taking too much memory.

I use Calendar, 2 Clocks, 1 Weather and 2 Webclips and the Dashboard client is taking up 83Mb. Normally I just force quit if I see it is taking too much memory, and start it again if I need to them back.