MacBook – Why get a regular MacBook Pro versus the Retina display model

macbook pro

I am looking into getting an Apple laptop. I took a look at the MacBook Pro (regular versus retina display). After reviewing the specs, it seems the MacBook Pro with Retina display has the following benefits:

  1. Lighter (by about 1 pound)
  2. SSD
  3. The display, of course

Is cost the only reason I should look at the regular MacBook Pro? It seems like the Retina display is about 300 – 400 dollars (USD) more for the same specs (hard drive space, etc)?

I wanted to see if there were other things in the regular MacBook Pro, besides cost, that would be considered an advantage over the new retina display.

Best Answer

I can buy a regular MBP, with a cheap HDD, open it, upgrade the RAM and replace the HDD with a SDD, all for a fraction of the price Apple would charge me. In addition, I still have Ethernet and a CD/DVD drive, in case I need one.

As I said, you might need the retina, or you might just like it, both of which are perfectly reasonable points. I don't, and I prefer to keep my money with me, upgrading my hardware when I need it, and at the price I choose to pay (out of a range of options). Uh, and I also hate the lack of Ethernet port.

To each their own.