MacBook – What models of Core i7 are available in the MacBook Pro

macbook pro

The currentprevious 17" MacBook Pro has three CPU options:

  • 2.53GHz Intel Core i5 [Subtract $360.00]
  • 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 [Subtract $180.00]
  • 2.8GHz Intel Core i7

Does anyone know what the exact CPU model names are, and which of them have 4 cores?
I can't find additional details anywhere.

The speeds are higher than Dell's options, leading me to believe that they're all 2-core.

Best Answer

The specs are available at this page.

The 2.53 i5 is the I5-540M (2 physical / 4 virtual cores, and Turbo Boost overclocking).
The 2.66 i7 is the I7-620M (2 physical / 4 virtual, and Turbo Boost).
The 2.80 i7 is the I7-640M (2 physical / 4 virtual, Turbo Boost).