MacBook – Very small resolution on external monitor Windows 7 with Macbook Pro Retina

macbook proparallels-desktopresolutionwindows

I have a Macbook Pro Retina 13", and I run both OSX and Windows 7. My Windows 7 is run in Parallels.

I work with OSX on the screen of the Macbook, and Windows on an external monitor (with the typical 1900×1080 resolution).

Problem is the Windows screen has very bad dimensions. Some things are very small, others are normal size. Screenshot:

enter image description here

When I go into my screen resolution it says 3840×2160, which seems very high. However, when I go lower, for instance to 1920×1080, I get the following which looks totally bad on my monitor (extremely big icons / other things):

Any idea how to get a normal resolution of my Windows screen?

enter image description here

Best Answer

I got it fixed, by selecting "Scaled" in the options in Parallels. Then I could change the screen resolution, and I had no problems in Windows 7. Success!

enter image description here