MacBook – Using a SuperDrive temporarily for one time installations

macbook prooptical-drive

Does Apple (or any oter company) have such a service which would let you temporarily use a SuperDrive (or other external DVD Drive)? I have a MacBook Air and in order to install boot camp, I need an external DVD drive. Paying $80 for a one-time use of a DVD drive sounds absurd. For that reason, I was wondering if Apple or any other company has some kind of service which allows you to bring in your laptop and use a SuperDrive for one time installations. I wouldn't even mind paying for such a service as long as it's significantly lower than the $80 for a SuperDrive.

Any other ideas besides buying a cheaper alternative of the SuperDrive?

Best Answer

If you really want a ONE TIME install, go to any Apple Store and let them use one of the drives there. I'm sure they'll have no problem. Tell them you want to try before you buy ;)

In other news, you can put Windows 7 on a USB Stick and install it from there. I've used the DVD only once, to create the USB Stick. There are instructions over the net on how to do that, even from outside Windows (but if you have a Win machine to do it, it's faster because there's a free tool).