MacBook – Touch ID setup fails on new (duplicate) user account

-setupauthenticationmacbook protouch-id

I duplicated my account based on this answer. After the procedure, macOS asked me to set up Touch ID.

I tried multiple times with many different fingers, but I couldn't get it to fully scan the fingerprint. The last "lines" would never fill up, and I couldn't get to the part where you're asked to scan the sides of your finger.

This process still works fine on the original account. No finger scans correctly on the duplicate account.

How can I make Touch ID work correctly on my duplicate account?

Best Answer

I imagine (but have not verified) this is because the fingerprints are the same – macOS is identifying that you are the same person. If it allowed registering the same fingerprint twice, it wouldn't know which account to unlock when you touched the sensor.