MacBook – There is a non removable, outward protruding speck on the MacBook screen, Apple is denying warranty coverage

macbook prowarranty

A few days ago I noticed a black speck inside my screen, someone suggested it is a thunderfly, others to use a microscope. I took pics using microscope, please help me to classify what the speck is, Apple is denying warranty 🙁

enter image description here

Best Answer

Hard to tell without the benefit of 3D vision, but to me that looks like the screen has been punctured from the outside [the small bubbles would seem to confirm it's a puncture].

Bear in mind that anything sharp enough to penetrate through to the actual screen may leave a partially raised 'wound' on the protective layer, which you could mistake for damage coming from within. I'm pretty sure a thunderfly wouldn't be tough enough to be a cause.. they also have legs you'd see under a microscope, even if squished.