MacBook – Swp memory no longer being used Macbook Pro Mid 2015

macbook promemoryvirtual-memory

Does anyone know why my macbook pro 15in mid 2015 is no longer using swap memory. I can tell via htop in terminal. Htop

That is the HTOP of my machine. swp is saying 0k/0k. Not sure what to make of it or how to fix it. Just the other day Swp was being used and was around 1GB full with a few more left open.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

The default macOS setup has a dynamic swap size. This means that even though htop displays "0K/0K" it doesn't mean that the total swap capacity is 0, or that swap is disabled. It just means that right now, there's no need for swapping (and that is a good thing).

If later memory usage means that swapping is necessary, the operating system automatically increases swap capacity. This is ofcourse limited by the amount of free disk space on your computer.