MacBook – Swap Out A MacBook Hard Drive For Windows

macbook propcwindows

I recently purchased a used 2014 MacBook with knowing it has no hard drive. However I do not care for Mac OS, the question here is can I effectively run Windows 10 on a MacBook just by installing a Windows SSD?

If so do I need to format anything or is it good to go.

Best Answer

The SSD will need to be formatted / partioned to work with the « bios » on the macbook, after that Bootcamp will be able to allow you to run windows from a separate partition.

I have not done this, but many do have both OSx and windows installed and working on one machine.

Check out Bootcamp :

Edit : macs don’t have « bios » (only used that term as it is easily understood by those coming from the pc world...) instead there is a bootrom process to get to the desktop from pressing the on button, this link gives a reasonable explanation of that process which checks ram, the self tests and runs the efi to get to the desktop. See