MacBook – Strange noise when holding MacBook Pro

macbook pro

I recently bought a MacBook Pro Retina and for now I'm a little bit worried. Everytime I hold it up by one of its edges or even press this part (video), it makes this strange noise, like its gonna break. I thought the material was resistant.
I'm pressing the downside of the notebook, like at the start of the notebook. Downside, of course. If I hold the notebook to get it by this particular corner it also makes this strange noise. I'm a little worried.
Should I take it to an Apple Store?

Here is a video with the strange sound!

Picture of the exact corner:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

I had a problem where is sounded like a "click" when pressing on the area you described. This was quite annoying while typing.

To resolve this I added a little bit of sewing oil to the screws and edges of the case where it makes the noise.

  1. Press on the area where it does make a sound
  2. Add a little drop of sewing oil (not too much) to the screws and edges
  3. Press a few times times.
  4. Wipe it the excesses and check if the noise is gone