MacBook Pro – How to Screenshot to Clipboard by Default

keyboardmacbook proscreen capture

My muscle memory is very ingrained with Cmd + Shift + 4 to take screen snips, and this has been fine for a while.

However, from now on, I don't need to save my screen snips as files. I need to paste them directly to various places (e.g. online, or in documents).

How do I make Cmd + Shift + 4 save to clipboard instead of files (like Windows with Win + Shift + S)? My fingers are unable to grasp the concept of Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + 4 (that's just too many keys).

Ideally, and tl;dr, I'd like to swap the functionality of Cmd + Shift + 4 and Cmd + Ctrl + Shift + 4.

Best Answer

System Prefs > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Screenshots

You can set them to anything you like, so long as it doesn't conflict with any existing command.

enter image description here

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