macOS Calendar – How to Save Calendar Entries When Deleting Exchange Account

backupcalendardeletingexchangemacbook pro

Recently left a job and am deleting the Exchange account from my MacBook Air associated with the company. I no longer have access to the account (password has been changed, naturally) but I would really like to keep my calendar entries, mainly because I wasn't religious about where I placed appointments and I'd like to be able to look back and see what I did when at some point.

So, is there a way to either delete the Exchange account without deleting existing entries in Calendar (un-sync it or something?) or quickly copy all entries from one account into another.

Best Answer

I am basing this on something I have done in earlier versions of Calendar, like when it was called "iCal" so YMMV.

You should be able to select the specific calendar in and then export it to an .ical file. Then delete your exchange account (did it sync Address Books as well?) and then if it just deleted the calendar you can re-import it.