MacBook – Problem with Monitor, flickering green

displaymacbook proscreen

I have the MacBookPro 15'' mid 2009 (10.9.3) , and from today I have green flickering on my monitor.

I did try with Reset PRAM, Repair Disk, also TechToolPro but i have the same problem.

It seem that the problem is with "black Color"

Example Image
Second Example Image

If I change the "total Black" I can "fix" the problem…

If i connect my Macbook with second Monitor, in Second monitor I haven't the problem but in "main monitor" the problem remains

What can I try ?

Best Answer

It is not clear it is the hardware (your screen) but the Safe mode indicates that.

things you can try

  • Disable Automatic Graphics Switching

  • run Apple Hardware test.. Press D during startup

  • disable any graphics controllers (external software) like the TechToolPro

  • Reset PRAM/ Option-Command-P-R until you hear startup sound a second time.

  • reinstall OS

  • NONE of the above worked..lets get to the final step..Hardware.. it might be the Cable..see instructions here how to get to it, just pull it out and back in, while you are at it vacuum clean the interior.

This is considered a Very difficult surgery, so if you are not of a steady hand and very handy with tools, skip the step and go to professional place.