MacBook Pro touchpad not clicking? (Hardware issue?)

macbook protrackpad

My hands were a little wet when I touched the touchpad on my MacBook Pro 15". I think that a little water went into the cracks, or the tiny space around touchpad. The "click" mechanism stopped working properly. Multitouch still works perfectly.

I ordered a new touchpad, but NO! Problem remained. Touchpad still only registers "clicks" from bottom left corner.

I use my comp for work (Photoshop, Illustrator).

I tried loosening, tightening the screw on touchpad. Still nada.

Please help?

Edit: I need the physical "click." I use laptop for work. The touch to click does not function well with real work in Illustrator and Photoshop. I don't want to sound like a jerk, but please don't suggest the use of a mouse or "touch to click". These are not real answers to my question.

Best Answer

Check your MacBook's battery. My trackpad stopped clicking consistently, and then sometimes locked in click-down, keeping me from de-selecting things. When I opened it up I noticed that the battery was puffed up a bit. If I removed the battery and closed the case, the trackpad clicked just fine. Apple replaced the battery and all's good.