MacBook Pro on table with water

macbook pro

So I spilled water on my table last night and thought I cleaned it all up but apparently not. I didn’t see there was still water on the table and I went to put my MacBook on the water. I only realised it was on water when my screen started going green and glitchy. I immediately shut the lid and wiped off water on the bottom them opened it to turn it off then put it on some uncooked rice. Will this be ok or is there anything else I can do to save it

Best Answer

Well if you have a plastic box put the mac & rice in that, shut the lid and put it somewhere "gently" warm. 24 hours minimum - give it a chance as it sounds like water got deep in...

But if you can get it to someone who can take the cover off to clean and dry it out that would be better...

Be thankful it was not beer or (white) wine - they leave residues that make it very unlikely that they start again (guess how I know :), done 3 water, wine & beer - only one that survived was the one with water...), but water there is a chance...

Best of luck with it.