MacBook Pro: necessary specs for virtualization

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So I am a software guy who is pretty oblivious when it comes to personal computer hardware. I really want to ditch my old pc for a macbook, but I'm not really sure of the right hardware specs I should be searching for.

The most intensive work I'll be doing is running lots of vagrant vms with virtualbox (max of about 15ish). So what specs should I be looking for: cpu, ram, storage, cores, ect? Which specs are the most important?

If this might be a better question for SuperUser let me know and I'll try to migrate the post there.

Best Answer

Depends on specs and activity of the boxes. 15x one core and 512MB RAM will run on a Core i5 and 16GB RAM. If the boxes are going to need more RAM, you'll need to run fewer boxes at a time. A VM typically requires about 100MB RAM on the hypervisor side, macOS and any tools you might have running also need some memory, so those are the constraints of the system you'd be working with. More RAM isn't an option, it's soldered on, and 16GB is the limit.