MacBook Pro mirror-like screen

macbook proscreen

I have MacBook Pro at work. It has the glossy glass screen and I'm able to see everybody behind me by just changing the focus of my sight. It's a bit weird.

How do you get used to this mirror/screen?

Best Answer

It is just a matter of time. You do eventually get used to it (I had to). However, the glare will almost always be noticeable. Unfor tunately, this is because of the glass used on the screen. If this is really bothersome, make sure you order the non-glossy screen (another $150). The new retina display MacBook Pro and the newer MacBook Airs have a less glossy screen that the current MacBook Pros.

If it really bothers you now, you may want to look into getting a screen protector. Here is a MacWorld article comparing a couple protectors. I also found one on Amazon. I will note that I have never used on of these.