Macbook pro keyboard stuck issue

keyboardmacbook pro

I have 15 inch macbook pro , i am facing issue with keys , option key is automatically pressed and becoming active all the time when i press any key in marked red zone in image . the Left Option is not working and Right Option key is working , when i press twice option key , than it is inactive (i tested after enabling hot key from preferences ) .

Here is the keyboard image
enter image description here

for ex. if i press Space key or right shift or enter then Option key is becoming active .

What is the possible fix for this ??

Best Answer

I had similar issues. Found a fix around. This app (Unshaky) will stop your mac from pressing keys multiple times (you have to configure the app, its pretty simple and straight forward). my problem was that my keyboard kept on pressing the option key instead of just holding. This app worked with me.. Hope it helps.

link found here

Hope this helps