MacBook Pro Intermittent internet connection

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Some of you may know about some weird issue with some MacBook Pros (MBP) not working properly with a router (SuperHub) supplied by Virgin (a UK ISP).

In all my attempts to resolve this, I finally got a little mini-like router/AP. Turned the SuperHub into a modem and used this mini-like device as a router. Then I was able to narrow down something I can't get my head past.

The puzzle:

2 computers (an iMac and a MacBook Pro) connected to the same network – wirelessly. Only the 2 systems on the network.

How is it that one of them constantly looses connection to the internet and the other doesn't?

How did I figure this out?

I opened 2 terminal window on both machines. One window constantly pings the router and another window pings google.

On the MBP, the connection to the router hardly drops. but the connection to google drops constantly. Stays down for almost a minute sometimes – if not more.

On the other hand, none of the connection on the iMac drops at all – hardly.

How is this possible? What could be the cause?

Best Answer

I had a very similar question to this which I answered. I believe the OP ended getting a "version 2 Superhub" from Virgin which solved his particular issues.

Check this out:

Wifi Keeps Dropping Macbook Pro 13in Retina Early 2015

You also want to check how crowded your Wi-Fi is. When you view all the wi-fi networks in your area, how many show up? The more networks, the more traffic, and the more issues you are going to run into.