Macbook Pro: Hibernate vs Shutdown

hibernatemacbook proshutdownsleep-wakessd

I'm using a Macbook Pro late 2011, it has been upgraded with a SSD and 8GB RAM.
I was curious as to whether putting my mac on hibernation would extend it's life or I should just shut it down every night like a regular person…

**Problem: **I have to use this for an another 4-5 years.
**Usage: ** for like 3-4 days of a week, it runs for about 10hrs each day, it is mostly sitting idle.

I have a lot of stuff opened up and I use "Reopen windows when logging back". I just feel like the whole shutting down and booting back up puts excess stress on my CPU.

The CPU usages all the way to the top for like 5 secs on booting up. Would it be better for my CPU's life if I just used hibernation instead?

I could use this command I figure:

sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 25

Best Answer

From a hardware perspective there is no functional difference between a shutdown and a hibernate. Both modes completely power off the system, and no energy gets used in either state. As you noted, the only difference is the way the computer boots back up when you turn it on. However, the stresses that each mode places on the hardware at bootup is, for all practical purposes, exactly the same.

You're thinking of your CPU as though it were a car engine or a light bulb; where using it is akin to putting miles or time on it. Electronic components do not experience wear and tear this way. Using them does not "wear them out". A transistor bit can be flipped an infinite number of times without issue. The only reasons computer chips fail is because of physical damage (caused by overheating, overvolting, etc.) or extreme age (on the order of many decades).

The exception to this rule is your SSD. An SSD has a limited number of write cycles because the transistors must be deliberately overvolted to make the bits "stick" through a power loss (causing the physical damage I noted above). Again, however, the difference between a normal boot and resuming from hibernate is practically irrelevant.*

*Some would argue that saving the hibernation file causes large amounts of data to be written to the SSD, causing more wear. I would counter-argue that pagefile and log file commits during a normal boot make that argument a wash.