Macbook Pro 15″ bad hissing sounds when connecting external monitor and external speakers

audiodisplaymacbook pro

i'm using a Macbook pro 15" i5 and I'm hearing bad statics sounds when connecting my external speaker while connecting an external monitor through the vga displayport.

The static sounds that come out through the speaker changes depending on the brightness of the external display. When the external display displays a dark output, the static pitch is high; when the external monitor diplays a bright output, the static coming through the speakers is low pitched.

If I don't plug the external monitor, just the external speaker, there is no static sound.

Please help me.

Best Answer

What you're hearing is just electrical noise interference. The reason it depends on what's on the display is probably because it takes the display more power to show white than black.

To fix/help this problem:

  • Make sure that everything is plugged in all the way to its proper connector.
  • Make sure that you're using high- or medium-quality cables, connectors, and other components.

  • Use an external sound card like this one or USB speakers like these.