MacBook Pro 13 will not recognize battery and will not charge after battery replacement


Did not start my MacBook Pro 13 for 5 weeks. when I tried it was completely dead and would not start up even with charger on it. I ordered a new battery and now it works when pugged into charger but won't charge. Shows battery at 0%. it is like it doesn't recognize the battery and I have reset and still does nothing for the charging aspect. as soon as I pull charging cable out of port it goes dead again

Best Answer

I assume this an old-style (pre-unibody) Mac with a removable/user-replaceable battery pack... If so, contact the seller; you could have been shipped a dud. If it's an aftermarket, non-apple product, you should also visually check to make sure it fits properly, and that all the contacts are clean, undamaged, and seem to be connecting. As I remember from doing the same thing, some of those 3rd-party packs were less than perfectly machined.