MacBook – Prevent turning off the display when MacBook is physically dropped

macbook proscreenscreen-lock

I own a 2015 MacBook Pro.

If you accidentally drop your MacBook, or it slips from your lap, the screen automatically turns off, and the device is locked. I could not find documentation on this feature online.

Recently, after some recent software update, I notice that this feature has been triggered a lot more frequently. In fact, it tends to be triggered when I am just normally holding my MacBook on my lap, and the device isn't falling at all. Sometimes, it is even triggered on a table if I place the laptop on top of the carrying sleeve (which isn't completely flat).

When it is triggered, I have significant difficulty getting it to turn back on. Usually, I have to raise it completely, and then unlock it. Sometimes, it just goes straight back to the black screen as I am typing my password in.

I am not sure if this is a feature or a bug at this point. Are there are ways to disable the turning off display feature on dropping completely?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I think you are referring to

Disable the Sudden Motion Sensor to avoid the harddrive heads parking them due to loud noise in a club.

To check if Sudden Motion Sensor is activated, use the following command and look for the sms setting (1 = enabled) :

# sudo pmset -g

To disable Sudden Motion Sensor, use the following command :

# sudo pmset -a sms 0

To enable Sudden Motion Sensor, use the following command :

# sudo pmset -a sms 1


or possibly

Screen turns off when I move my MacBook when it is on the sleeve