MacBook – Pre-installed movies and photos on new MBA

macbook pro

MBA 13"

I when I got it home for the first time. I switched it on I checked how much disk space I had left. I was surprised to see 45MB of movies and photos 471MB.

I can't find the movies and the photos in the finder window. Where are they and what are they?

Many thanks for any suggestions.

Best Answer

I just made the following test :

 sudo find /system -name "*.png" | wc -l

returns 4553 on my mac : There are over 4000 images in my /System/ directory. It's probably your case too.


sudo find /system -name "*.png" -print0 | xargs -0 du | awk '{total+=$1} END{print total}'

I get 248352K, that 250MB. Not your 450MB but we are getting close. You can assume the files you see are system files (yes your system uses images and video !)

I would definitely not suggest to delete theses files since they are used by the system.