MacBook – Maximize current window completely to hide background in Macbook

findermacbook prowindow-manager

While working on chrome/firefox/finder, I open several windows. Each window has some leftover blank space on right side. This is a huge problem while panning the page using the blue scroll bar. Often I click outside the scroll bar and inadvertently switch to background window. To overcome this, I have to manually drag the current window as right as possible to remove blank space.

Is there a more elegant way to do this?

Best Answer

I found this app BetterTouchTool. It lets me define a keyboard shortcut to maximize a window fully, without leaving black spaces on either sides.

  1. Download app and open preferences by clicking its icon (boxed index finger) in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
  2. Select 'Keyboard' tab
  3. Select 'Global' in Applications on right
  4. Finally choose Keyboard shortcut and Predefined Action.

I chose the following keyboard shortcuts, which I found safest and non overlapping:

  1. Control Maximize Window
  2. Control Maximize Window Left
  3. Control Maximize Window Right
  4. Control Maximize window to bottom half