MacBook – Making a micro MacBook Air (headless)

hackinghardwaremacbook pro

Here's a project I've been desiring for a while. Hopefully this is not too off topic.

I'd like to take a MacBook Air, remove the case, screen, battery, speakers, keyboard, basically everything. I want to have just a motherboard and hsf running osx and usable via vnc over wifi for ultraportable number crunching power.

What problems do you think I might run into? Is there any reason the air won't boot if the aforementioned components are removed?

Best Answer

Bart Reardon is trying to convert a broken MBA into a "computer in a keyboard". The project looks a bit stuck right now, but from one photo you can see he has removed (some? all?) components from the Mobo. Perhaps you could ask him if the thing still works if everything is removed. I’d be interested to know!