MacBook – Mac storage is full but iCloud is not, what to do

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I have got a MacBook pro with 500GB of total storage and an iCloud subscription for 2TB.

iCloud is synched with my MacBook, this means that any file in my desktop and documents will be stored automatically in iCloud.

With time, however, the MacBook storage is getting full and now I have got only ~2GB left (in the Mac) but >1.70TB available on iCloud.

How should I deal with this?
I desire to keep iCloud on all my Mac devices…MacBook Pro included but how can I avoid to save files in both MacBook storage AND iCloud? I would like to save them only on iCloud.

I still cannot get around this.
Any suggestion?


Best Answer

As long as you're running High Sierra, you can have your Mac take care of this automatically. Go into the iCloud Drive system preferences and check the box for "Optimize Mac Storage". Your Mac will then remove local copies of old files when more storage space is needed, while keeping them on iCloud Drive.