Wake-On-LAN Issue – Why is Wake-On-LAN Not Working on MacBook Pro with LogMeIn?

macbook prosnow leopard

Hey guys, as of this date (2011-05-24) I have the:

  • Latest version of LogMeIn Free running on my MacBook Pro
  • The Latest version of Snow Leopard
  • I have the mid 2009 17" unibody MacBook Pro

On my MacBook I have the "wake up from lan" box checked in the energy savings settings.

My MacBook is also plugged in, and the Ethernet cable is plugged in. I always leave the Airport on on the macbook so that's on too.

It's now in "sleep" and the lid is closed.

When I go to the LogMeIn dashboard it says offline… is this because the Wake-On-Lan is not working? Has anyone had this issue or know how to fix it?


Best Answer

It is not possible for the Macbook to go out of sleep when the lid is closed and no external display and input devices are connected. Your best option therefore is to keep the lid open.