MacBook – Is there really a Mid 2014 13-inch Macbook Air

macbook pro

According to Apple's How to identify your MacBook Air guide and a search for Macbook Air, they list only up to Macbook Air 13-inch, Early 2014. Similarly, so does

On the other hand, Engadget, Maclife, PCPro UK, Macworld, and Apple Insider all list the Mid 2014 version of the 13-inch Macbook Air in their reviews.

So before I buy a Macbook Air, I'd like to be 100% sure: Is there really a Mid 2014, 13-inch version of the Macbook Air?

Best Answer

The simple answer here is yes, but the mid 2014 version was ONLY a processor bump. And most importantly the cpu bump was only in the two lower end models. Not the highest end i7.

Thus if you (like me) get the max spec cpu MacBook air, and click about this mac - it will say "mid 2013". If you get any other spec it will say 2014.

Confused? I was too!