MacBook – Intuos creative stylus for iPad use on a MacBook Pro

drawingmacbook pro

I saw the Intuos creative stylus for the iPad, and as much as I like it, I am not a fan of having to purchase a new Mac product just to use a pen that works with the iPad only…

Is there a pen out there that works like the Intuos creative stylus pen for iPad that would work with a MacBook Pro? I've heard of using the MagicMouse, but I'm looking for the same concept as the Intuos creative stylus for iPad, where the stylus would connect via a bluetooth, with the same abilities of an Inkling, drawing anywhere…

Is this even possible? Paying for it isn't an issue, it's just I can't justify $400+ for a iPad, the software, and the pen itself…

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Short answer:

Certainly not possible, and no such product exists. The MacBook screen is not a touch or pressure input device, unlike the iPad.

Long answer:

The iPad stylus uses touch events to communicate position and Bluetooth to communicate pressure. With the MacBook, no positional tracking device exists in the screen.

Getting around this limitation would involve adding a sensor layer to the glass. This would be a hardware modification and you'd end up writing a lot of software to support it, too.