MacBook – Increasing fan speed of macbook pro is harmful

macbook pro

I wanted to know if increasing fan speed of macbook pro with applications such as CoreDuoTemp, smcFanControl or Fan Control is harmful or not. My macbook's cpu temp rises up to 80 degrees when I use ooVoo or mysql and I want to reduce it. Is it useful to use these applications to do that?

Best Answer

I’ve used smcFanControl when I had a 1st Gen Macbook Pro 15’’. It’s not harmful in the sense that the fan is designed to be on, but of course, like any other mechanical device, the more you use it, the faster it wears out. If your Macbook Pro is getting too hot, try one of those utilities to see if it helps. In any case, getting a cooling pad is not a bad idea. Depending upon the type of work and conditions that you have, a Fanless may be enough.

I believe the “best” fanless was the iLap. And for cooling pads with a Fan, you’ll have to see and trust the power of Google Shop. These generally use a USB port to drive a couple of Fans. Among the best features you can look for are the provision of an extra USB (so you don’t lose your port), portability if you move and sound level of the fans, whether they can be turned on/off, etc.