MacBook – How to repair a broken key of a new MacBook Pro 15” Retina 2015

displaykeyboardmacbook prorepair

I have bought a new macbook pro 15" retina in March 2015, but with less than 1 month of usage, I feel that my enter key is very loose and probably (or almost) broken.

Maybe it's not broken and the quality of Macbook Pros is getting worse and things deteriorate really faster than the older ones.

Aesthetically the keyboard looks normal, but when typing, specially the enter feels horrible…I can't stop thinking I've spent 2K euros in something that is worse than cheap competitors.

The product is under warranty, but I don't know for sure if the authorised firms will do something about it — they might say that this behaviour is normal or that I used it badly (which is not true).

Has anyone had any exprience with this?
How can I resolve this problem?

Thank you very much.

Best Answer

It seems to be the problem of keycap. The plastic part was broken.