MacBook – How to modify the command line text showing in Mac terminal

bashmacbook proterminal

My Macbook Pro shows a wired string ("ryoitasuou") at terminal like below picture.

Does any know how to remove or modify it ?

I already deleted the "ryoitasuou" folder in /Users folder , and modify username in "bash_profile" , but these steps does not help.

p.s. I bought this Macbook Pro 2019 from Amazon , and the wired name is already exist after I finished user setup at the first time I boot up this laptop.
This is really annoying every time I use Terminal.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Bash performs a lookup in /etc/passwd, well on macOS it looks in opendirectory, for the users HOME folder at every invocation. Try the following-

 dscl . -read /Users/$(id -un) NFSHomeDirectory RecordName

You will need to change the NFSHomeDirectory value and more than likely the RecordName in opendirectory.