MacBook – How to fix enourmous CPU usage & temperature on MacBook Air when trying to install Wine

cpumacbook promacportstemperaturewine

I have a 2012 MacBook Air Intel Core i5 8 GB memory (Mountain Lion). I am trying to install Wine through MacPorts, but after about a minute of building Wine, CPU usage rapidly rises into the 90s, and the temperature goes from 60 degrees Celcius to 90-95 very quickly. Both the CPU usage and the temperature continue rising until I shut down my MacBook. The fan becomes very loud and occasionally makes screeching sounds. I have tried several times and reinstalled MacPorts but to no avail. What can I do to fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The current lineup runs CPU up to 100 C. Is is normal, so you might be able to get something ike SMC fan control to ramp up the fans earlier, but since the CPU clock rate can over heat the blowers, you might not be able to do anything short of externally cooling the case significantly.

Both the clock rate and fans work in conjunction, so upping the fans in turn lowers the clock rate restriction - canceling your efforts to alter the designed behavior.