MacBook – How to change MacBook’s performance back to normal after it was reduced

macbook properformancetemperature

Sometimes my MacBook shows a "Performance is reduced" notification after it gets hot from running intensive apps on a hot summer day.

When it's left idle for about 30 minutes and becomes cooler, is there a way to manually increase the performance back to its normal level without having to reboot the Mac?

Or, when the Macbook is left idle for a couple of hours, will it automatically go back to the usual performance and how can you tell?

Best Answer

I installed the Intel Power Gadget to check if anything can be shown.

Then one time I left YouTube running, showing 1080p, and placed the Macbook 12 inch on the bed, and an hour later, I saw that the notification said CPU performance has been reduced, and Intel Power Gadget showed:

enter image description here

so it seems like the Blue Line (for the processor) is showing that it was running at 1GHz.

And then I stopped YouTube, and put something under the Macbook so that it can ventilate better under the notebook base. After 30 minutes, without rebooting the machine, I ran YouTube again and some other apps, and the Intel Power Gadget showed the Mac running at 2GHz or above again. So it looks like the processor speed got bumped up back to normal, but it won't show you any notification:

enter image description here

P.S. When I have some apps running and Google Chrome running with a dozen tabs, the temperature kept on being 60°C and it won't jump back up to the 2GHz range. I had to quit the apps and Chrome and the temperature went down to 50°C, and after about 30 minutes the Macbook went back up to 2GHz. By the way, the processor can go up to 90°C and it was a bit scary... it is almost enough to boil some water.