MacBook – How to auto-adjust the resolution of a Windows 7 VM using VMware Fusion

macbook proresolutionvirtualizationvmwarewindows

Recently, I have acquired a MacBook Pro Retina. Previously, I had always used Windows, and I still need it, because of Visual Studio. Hence I installed VMware Fusion and Windows 7 as a virtual machine.

The problem is that whenever I launch the VM, VMWare automatically sets the resolution of the guest to the maximum available on the Mac (that is 2880×1800). So I changed the resolution from Windows and set it to 1440×900, but, when I restart, on the login screen, it automatically reverts back to 2880×1800. I thought it was due to the VMware Tools, so I uninstalled them. It now works correctly, however I lose a lot of features without the Tools installed. How can I solve this?

Best Answer

Download the VMWare Fusion 2012 technology preview, this issue is fixed in that release.