MacBook – Energy Saver preferences keep breaking

macbook proplistpreferencessleep-wake

This is a new question related to a question I asked previously.

MacBook is sleeping despite being set to "never" sleep

Basically, the MacBook would sleep after 3 hours despite the preferences telling it to "never" sleep.

I fixed the original problem by deleting the Energy Saver plist file.

However, after two weeks, it broke again and the original problem came back. I have no doubt that I can just fix it by deleting the preference file again.

Obviously something external is botching up the Energy Saver preference file. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how I can determine what could be causing this problem in the first place.


Trashing the Energy Saver plist file no longer fixes this issue. I've removed Caffeine and I'm out of ideas. I can't even effectively troubleshoot this since it takes three hours just to see if it will sleep or not. What else can I do? Where else can I look?

Best Answer

Perhaps you should try resetting the SMC, as described here: