MacBook – Does the MacBook DisplayPort support video input

displayporthdmimacbook provideo

I have been reading through all these resources here and here, but I couldn't find an answer.

My question is simply: can the DisplayPort on a MacBook take a video input source?

More Details:

I have:

  1. Macbook Pro Model 6,2 (Mid-2010) that has a DisplayPort output
  2. A camcorder that has HDMI output and NO FireWire outputs.
  3. A HDMI to DisplayPort adapter.

I want to know if its possible to use my camcorder like a webcam, i.e, to capture live video for the purpose of streaming. As a primary test, I should be able to connect the camcorder and do a capture using iMovie.

Would this be possible? I am pretty sure input through USB won't work. And from what I have seen there is no easy way to convert the HDMI video stream into FireWire. So, any suggestions?

Best Answer

No, it does not, I fear: the DisplayPort is an output only.