MacBook Pro – Adapters for Installing Generic SSDs

macbook prossd

I have a rescued mid-2013 11 inch MacBook Air working great off external USB 3 hard drive but missing its internal SSD.

They use a custom SSD, which seem to be expensive even used and aftermarket.

Are any adaptors available to install a generic SSD?

I Googled and thought I found that they do now exist, but then I realized the ones I found were the opposite, for using the SSDs from various MacBooks in other laptops etc.

Best Answer

See this question: Do MacBooks support NVMe SSD drives via the use of a Sintech adapter?.

There is the Sintech adapter. It is not compatible with NVMe drives on your Mid-2013 MacBook Air, but you can use AHCI drives. They are a bit cheaper than official "Apple" drives ($0.66/GB against $0.86/GB for the cheapest drives).