MacBook – Different keyboard mapping on external keyboard

internationalizationkeybindingskeyboardmacbook properipheral

Currently I have a challenging keyboard setup. My MacBook Pro has a fr_FR (French AZERTY) keyboard, but the layout is currently set to fr_CA (Canadian QWERTY). Even if the keys are not labelled right, it works perfectly fine for me who's used to a French Canadian keyboard.

enter image description here

Now, I recently bought an external Mac keyboard that turns out to be en_US (American QWERTY). I would like it to also have the fr_CA "feel", but it seems to behave differently – seems like it simply applies the locale from my physical keyboard without "assigning" the keys based on the different layout that en_US is compared to fr_FR.

How could I make sure that the location of the keys on the en_US honours the layout of a fr_CA, different from the physical fr_FR keyboard?

Best Answer

The mapping of the input source you have selected in the "flag" menu should always apply to both the internal and external keyboards. The standard US keyboard has one less key, so it will be slightly different:

enter image description here

If yours does not behave that way, something is wrong.