MacBook – charging the Macbook Pro (85w) with the Macbook Air (45w) charger

batterychargingmacbook pro

seeing if anyone as done this. Has any used a 45w charger (like the one that comes with the Air) to charge their Macbook Pro? I left my Pro charger at a friends house and will not be able to get it before I leave town for a work trip, where I'll need the Pro. I'm thinking that I can shut down the laptop and use the Air charger to charge it over night.

Has anyone done this? I'm worried about damaging the battery on the Pro.

Best Answer

It will be fine. The MacBook Pro will charge with the Air's charger well; it will just be slower than if it was on its original charger. One can even charge a MacBook Air with the charger for the MacBook Pro, if one wanted to.

I have attempted this myself and have had no problems.