MacBook – Bluetooth corruption on 2013 Macbook Pro

bluetoothmacbook protrackpad

I have an Early 2013 Macbook Pro. OS Version is 10.9. I'm using a trackpad connected to the bluetooth. All of the sudden, and at random times, my trackpad will lose its connection and will not reconnect. When this happens, I pull up the Bluetooth preferences and I see:

<< do not localize >...
Name not available

Bluetooth will not turn off at all. Nothing can connect to bluetooth once this happens. I have to do a hard reboot of my laptop to get bluetooth working again. This tends to work for a few hours, sometimes an entire day, but at random, bluetooth seems to go corrupt again.

Anyone else having a problem similar to this? Any hints on fixing it? Also, is there some way I can force a reset of just bluetooth? Maybe by the command line?

Best Answer

I found some workaround that will at least spare you a reboot when problem arrives. It may be found here:

Shortly, type in terminal:

sudo kextunload -b
sudo kextload -b

After doing this your devices should reconnect. I have the same OS Version (10.9) and Early 2013 Macbook Pro and it works with my problems with bluetooth keyboard.