MacBook Pro – Is 10% Battery Capacity Loss in 8 Months Normal?

batterymacbook pro

My 14 inch macbook with the m1 max chip has lost 10% of its battery capacity in 8 months of usage. Is this normal? I've also been using my iPhone pro max for about the same time and it only lost 1% of battery capacity.

Is this normal at all, or could this be because my macbook is always plugged in?

P.S. I do have the optimized battery charging turn on:
enter image description here

Here's the cycle count and the capacity:
enter image description here

Best Answer

That’s totally normal - especially if you use the machine a lot.

You can get battery service if it falls under 80% while in coverage like AppleCare. You’ve got the correct settings and as long as you keep it cool while charging you should be fine. The number can bounce so check on it again in 30 days.