MacBook – Applecare Validity for Macbook in Turkey

applecaremacbook pro

I am getting conflicting answers (even from the Apple itself) about the validity of the applecare plan for Macbook Pro (purchased from US) in Turkey. I know that there are Apple stores in Istanbul and that Apple gives technical assistance there. However, some says that applecare is not valid in Turkey. They say that in order to benefit from the applecare plan I should either mail my computer to US or bring it to US or perhaps to some nearby EU country where the plan is valid. On the contrary some says that applecare is completely valid for MacBooks in Turkey (though not for Iphones, Ipads, etc.). I would be grateful if I can have the correct answer and, if the plan is valid in Turkey then how the process works. Thank you.

Best Answer

Apple products have a global warranty, so you should be covered.

You need to contact Apple directly - someone there will be able to organise something for you. You may need to provide proof of purchase, so have that ready (scan it in if you haven't got a digital copy).

For your info, below is an experience that may shed some light on this for you.

I recently helped a lady who purchased a new iPhone from a local online store. About 10 months later the iPhone developed a fault, and while it was definitely under warranty, it took a while to establish this fact because the serial number came up as having been purchased in Thailand, and because it was dated about 7 weeks earlier than when she had purchased it.

In this case, she needed to show her purchase receipt to correct the commencement date for her warranty, as it was originally showing as only 8 days remaining compared to the two months she thought she had left. It did get all sorted, but the issue had to get escalated before it was resolved.

So, if it was me, I would visit Apple's contact page for Turkey and contact them directly via phone to discuss.