MacBook – Apple external (magic) keyboard: SHIFT + [ not working

hardwarekeyboardmac promacbook prousb

Im having some weird problem. I have connected my magic keyboard via USB.

When I type "[" its working as you see. Also when I type SHIFT + ] I get "}".

PROBLEM: But when I try to type SHIFT + [ I cant get left curly bracket.
(Its working on my internal keyboard)

PRAM reseted. Keyboard layout – English. No shortcuts on this combinations made. Sticky keys OFF, slow keys OFF. Dictation OFF.

What could be the problem ? Maybe I could delete some Library/Preferences or something ? I cant code without that brackets

Best Answer

I had a problem like this once. What I did was look through the accessibility settings to try to find something, but it seems like you already did that with dication. You could also delete some .plist's that have to do with the keyboard, but I would only do that if you have a backup of your computer