MacBook – Am I being monitored

activity-monitormacbook promalwareparental-controlsremote control

I have a few questions to ask regarding the parental controls.

I have a MacBook Pro OS X version 10.9.4. and it was bought by my ex to help me with my medical schooling. We’re no longer together. And I’ve caught him logging into my emails somehow recently. Don’t know if he hacked into it or just came across my password.

So, lately while bored I got curious about my computer and discovered Console and started to observe what was gong on and to my amazement, I had noticed many many things. i have disabled the bluetooth sharing and everything else because it seemed that my computer is being monitored. I’m just not sure. But what sticks out the most for me is the Parental controls remote issue. I have disabled everything. So I think.

Jul 24 09:09:03 (MYNAME)-mbp parentalcontrolsd[957]: StartObservingFSEvents [849:] -- *** StartObservingFSEvents started event stream

Jul 24 11:22:01 (MYNAME)-mbp[1179]: Bogus event received by listener connection:
<error: 0x7fff737b0b50> { count = 1, contents =
"XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff737b0e60> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
Jul 24 11:22:23 (MYNAME)-mbp System Preferences[1173]: view service marshal for <NSRemoteView: 0x7fbf8b634110> failed to forget accessibility connection due to Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (The connection was invalidated from this process.) UserInfo=0x600000274400 {NSDebugDescription=The connection was invalidated from this process.}
timestamp: 11:22:23.888 Thursday 24 July 2014
process/thread/queue: System Preferences (1173) / 0x10ee36000 /
code: line 2972 of /SourceCache/ViewBridge/ViewBridge-46.2/NSRemoteView.m in __57-[NSRemoteView viewServiceMarshalProxy:withErrorHandler:]_block_invoke
domain: communications-failure

Jul 24 11:22:44 (MYNAME)-mbp xpcd[165]: restored permissions (100600 -> 100700) on /Users/[DummyUserName]/Library/Containers/
Jul 24 11:22:45 (MYNAME)-mbp[14]: Killing auth hosts
Jul 24 11:22:45 (MYNAME)-mbp[14]: Session 100025 destroyed
Jul 24 11:22:45 (MYNAME)-mbp[14]: Session 100027 created
Jul 24 11:23:06 (MYNAME)-mbp[1193]: assertion failed: 13E28: liblaunch.dylib + 25164 [A40A0C7B-3216-39B4-8AE0-B5D3BAF1DA8A]: 0x25

Jul 24 11:40:32 (MYNAME)-mbp loginwindow[43]: magsafeStateChanged state changed old 1 new 2
Jul 24 11:44:30 (MYNAME)-mbp System Preferences[1173]: view service marshal for <NSRemoteView: 0x7fbf8b61c3a0> failed to forget accessibility connection due to Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (The connection was invalidated from this process.) UserInfo=0x608000663bc0 {NSDebugDescription=The connection was invalidated from this process.}
timestamp: 11:44:30.798 Thursday 24 July 2014
process/thread/queue: System Preferences (1173) / 0x10ed4f000 /
code: line 2972 of /SourceCache/ViewBridge/ViewBridge-46.2/NSRemoteView.m in __57-[NSRemoteView viewServiceMarshalProxy:withErrorHandler:]_block_invoke
domain: communications-failure

Jul 24 11:44:32 (MYNAME)-mbp[1218]: Parental Controls Pref Remote Service launching
Jul 24 11:44:32 (MYNAME)-mbp[1218]: assertion failed: 13E28: liblaunch.dylib + 25164 [A40A0C7B-3216-39B4-8AE0-B5D3BAF1DA8A]: 0x25
Jul 24 11:44:32 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jul 24 11:44:32 (MYNAME)-mbp[1218]: GetICUWeekdayWeekendInfo [773] -- *** ICU lookup failed, using default values
Jul 24 11:44:32 (MYNAME)-mbp[1218]: Bogus event received by listener connection:
<error: 0x7fff737b0b50> { count = 1, contents =
"XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff737b0e60> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
Jul 24 11:44:47 (MYNAME)-mbp System Preferences[1173]: view service marshal for <NSRemoteView: 0x7fbf8b61c3a0> failed to forget accessibility connection due to Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (The connection was invalidated from this process.) UserInfo=0x60000086f200 {NSDebugDescription=The connection was invalidated from this process.}
timestamp: 11:44:47.015 Thursday 24 July 2014
process/thread/queue: System Preferences (1173) / 0x10d653000 /
code: line 2972 of /SourceCache/ViewBridge/ViewBridge-46.2/NSRemoteView.m in __57-[NSRemoteView viewServiceMarshalProxy:withErrorHandler:]_block_invoke
domain: communications-failure

Jul 24 11:44:51 (MYNAME)-mbp[1220]: assertion failed: 13E28: liblaunch.dylib + 25164 [A40A0C7B-3216-39B4-8AE0-B5D3BAF1DA8A]: 0x25
Jul 24 11:44:52 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Jul 24 11:44:52 (MYNAME)-mbp[1220]: Bogus event received by listener connection:
<error: 0x7fff737b0b50> { count = 1, contents =
"XPCErrorDescription" => <string: 0x7fff737b0e60> { length = 18, contents = "Connection invalid" }
Jul 24 11:45:14 (MYNAME)-mbp launchservicesd[55]: Application App:"System Preferences" asn:0x0-5a05a pid:1173 refs=7 @ 0x7f7f89602a70 tried to be brought forward, but isn't in fPermittedFrontApps ( ( "LSApplication:0x0-0x63063 pid=1223 "SecurityAgent"")), so denying. : LASSession.cp #1481 SetFrontApplication() q=LSSession 100004/0x186a4 queue
Jul 24 11:45:14 (MYNAME)-mbp WindowServer[85]: [cps/setfront] Failed setting the front application to System Preferences, psn 0x0-0x5a05a, securitySessionID=0x186a4, err=-13066
Jul 24 11:45:30 (MYNAME)-mbp WindowServer[85]: window 1f4 is already attached to window 1f1
Jul 24 11:45:37 (MYNAME)-mbp WindowServer[85]: _CGXGetWindowOrderingGroup: Invalid window 0x1f4
Jul 24 11:45:42 (MYNAME)-mbp[14]: Killing auth hosts
Jul 24 11:45:42 (MYNAME)-mbp[14]: Session 100027 destroyed
Jul 24 11:45:42 (MYNAME)-mbp[14]: Session 100029 created
Jul 24 11:46:01 (MYNAME)-mbp System Preferences[1173]: view service marshal for <NSRemoteView: 0x7fbf8b61c3a0> failed to forget accessibility connection due to Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (The connection was invalidated from this process.) UserInfo=0x608000664540 {NSDebugDescription=The connection was invalidated from this process.}
timestamp: 11:46:01.114 Thursday 24 July 2014
process/thread/queue: System Preferences (1173) / 0x10ed4f000 /
code: line 2972 of /SourceCache/ViewBridge/ViewBridge-46.2/NSRemoteView.m in __57-[NSRemoteView viewServiceMarshalProxy:withErrorHandler:]_block_invoke
domain: communications-failure

What could this mean?? My ex has a Mac desktop at his house and at his business. I’m not sure if he’s the one monitoring my computer activities…or malware??. But in all seriousness, I am very curious to what this means. I’m too old to be monitored….

Thank you.

Best Answer

Install Little Snitch. It's an Outbound Firewall meaning that when apps on your computer try to establish connections to other machines, you'll get a notification and be able to block the connections.

If someone is trying to monitor your computer, Little Snitch would inform you of the outgoing network connections and allow you to block them.