MacBook – Adaptor/convertor parts for HDDs

hardwareibookmacbook pro

I decided to swap my early 2011 MacBook Pro's HDD for a SSD and put that HDD in my G4 iBook. However, all of the guides I found used iBooks with an orange, cord-like HDD port (I don't know if port is the right word) like the one in my MBP. My iBook doesn't have such an port.

iBook's HDD port and connector

The part I am holding was connected to the iBook's HDD, allowing it connect the port.

My MBP HDD does not fit the adapter(?) piece or the HDD port:
enter image description here

My question(s): what these parts are actually called? Without the right vocabulary I'm having a hard time answering other questions like: Where can I get one? Do they make ones that would allow me to put the MBP HDD into the iBook?

Best Answer

The difference is the HDD connectors. The iBook G4 uses an IDE (aka PATA) connector, whereas the MBP uses SATA. Unfortunately during a quick google search I wasn't able to find a SATA to IDE adapter that would fit inside the laptop case. It's probably worth looking for second-hand IDE hard drives or contacting someone at Apple to see if they have a better idea. If you want to buy a drive, try starting here: Ebay IDE laptop drives. Let me know if you have any questions or if I got any of my information wrong.