MacBook – 2012 Macbook Pro Boots With Startup Sound, But Has Black Screen

bootmacbook pro

This is sorta urgent, since my dad's whole business relies on his computer, and it needs to be fixed.
Anyway, it will startup and and make the mac "on" chime. But after that, nothing happens. We can tell it is on because pressing the caps lock key will turn the capslock light on and off, and the black screen is still brighter than the bezel. We tried doing a PRAM reset, and that didn't work at all. We still have yet to start in Safe Mode, but again, this is my dad's whole business at stake, so if you or you know someone who can help, that would be great.


EDIT: We just tried booting it in safe mode, and nothing happened. (Maybe it is the logic board. If it is, could someone confirm that so we don't waste any more time trying different solutions?)

Best Answer

Ok, I would like someone to close this topic, because our problem is fixed. My dad took it to the Genius Bar at our Local Apple store, and they found out it was a problem with the power supply. (Not sure how that happened, especially considering the symptoms the Mac had) But anyway, thank you for all of your help.